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As an employer of expats, there's an awful lot to consider. What are the tax advantages and disadvantages? Does the employee qualify for the 30% ruling? What about severance pay? At Courdid, we live and breathe expatriate tax, so we can give you complete insight, overview and clarity. Everything to help you make the right choices in complex-looking tax situations.

Internationally operating employees help you seize opportunities, but not without presenting a few challenges too. That’s especially true when it concerns payroll obligations, remitting social insurance premiums and making different remuneration arrangements in another country because a 'tax equalisation policy' exists. There’s also the reassurance of a full international tax audit that you need to give the expat. Expat situations can be complex, and the international consequences shouldn’t be overlooked. Fortunately, Courdid uses clear language, supplies practical solutions, and is always prepared to go the extra mile.